Saturday, July 31, 2010


As of 2010, there is a good number of people in Pakistani Universities who specialize in computer vision, image processing and related areas like Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition. (By specialization here we mean a Doctoral Degree). More people are expected to come in recent years with either doctoral or at least Masters degrees in these areas. 

However, people here are mostly working in individual circles and there is little if any cooperation between universities or research groups to initiate collaborative research and research. 

In Pakistan, it is quite tedious to find out about other people in your particular area . Young researchers  face sever lack of guidance and direction. There is a dearth of people with  ideas around them and no one is there to prune and refine their research ideas and discuss their research work. No one tell them how to start their research groups and how to survive and/or flourish in these Pakistani settings. They find it hard to keep a balance between teaching, administrative and research responsibilities. 

VisionPK aims to be a platform where computer vision researchers can announce their existence and research activities. A place where share with their colleagues information about the advancements in this field, convey about upcoming events and explore the possibilities of collaborative research. A place to share your articles and tutorials and all useful links for people of these fields.

There are even students pursuing PhD Degrees in these areas in Pakistani Universities. VisionPK aims to bring  a wealth of information to them. 

Any one can  contribute to this platform.  This is your place.

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